As I’ve noticed today Google has enabled Buzz for older versions of Android phones. When they first launched a few days ago, Buzz run only on Android 2.0 or 2.1 and I felt Google made a bad choice. Now this has changed so Google Buzz now works under Android 1.5 and Android 1.6 as well as newer 2 versions. When you run it in your mobile browser, the table with suported phones isn’t loaded by default any more. Now the message is shown that “ requires Android OS version 2.0+ [or] iPhone OS version 3.0+[.] Older OS versions may be able to access some features, but are not officially supported.”
The actual link to start using Buzz says “Continue on an unsupported device”. I tried it and I haven’t discovered any broken features on my Samsung Galaxy i7500 Android 1.5 phone.
This was quick and I have to congratulate Google for a quick reaction. They have also updated some private features that users have been complaining about so I hope they have the version for Google Apps ready soon.