For the followers and owners of the Asus Zenfone Max Plus M1 I have sad but expected news: there is no new firmware updates available in June 2019. That means that the update version WW-15.02.1904.453 is the latest available update. It brings Google security patch 2019/5, but apart that nothing new.
All the issues following ZenFone Max Plus since firmware update to Android 8 Oreo are still not fixed. There has been some news that the phone will receive an update to Android 9 Pie, but they have all died out.
Judging by the feedback on the official forum, phone owners seem to give up on this phone and claiming never to buy another phone from Asus. Official forum replies still seem to be only pre-written general copy/paste replies without any value to the person asking, so their wrath is understandable.
My assumption is that this particular device is already forgotten by Asus – even if it’s still available for sale in some countries. They are moving their developers to newer devices like this years flagship ZenFone 6. However tempting it might be for you to own it, just keep in mind about the disappointed owners of ZenFone Max Plus. If you buy the new model, next year you might be one of the forgotten users with a broken phone and software issues beyond repair.

Asus ZenFone Max Plus R.I.P.
O meu tá cada vez pior.
já mandei pra assistência duas vezes e a Asus diz que não encontraram falhas no aparelho.
isso significa que o aparelho é ruim mesmo e a Asus não tá nem aí. O usuário comprou, agora se dane.
O aparelho é uma bela enganação, que esquenta demais e tem péssimo desempenho geral principalmente na bateria.
Uma coisa é certa pra mim, Asus nunca mais, nem de graça.
Não compre Asus, vá de Motorola, samsung, Lg ou outra marca como xiaomi.
Por que se comprar Asus e não der muita sorte você não tem garantia nenhum desses enganadores.
Automatically translated to English:
I already sent for assistance twice and Asus says they found no faults in the device.
That means the device is really bad and Asus doesn’t care. The user bought, now screw it.
The device is a beautiful trick, which gets too hot and has poor overall performance especially on the battery.
One thing is certain for me, Asus never again, not for free.
Do not buy Asus, go for Motorola, samsung, LG or other brand like xiaomi.
Because if you buy Asus and you are not very lucky you are not guaranteed any of these deceivers.
Aldenir, I agree with you 100%. This device is really bad and there is no support from Asus and no willingness to fix it. In my experience the battery is the worst aspect in hardware – it gets very hot and doesn’t last long. Comparing to other brands the software is pretty much OK, but not the best and it’s missing some crucial functions.
I have Asus notebook and now I have bought a new Asus monitor and I’m happy with them. But I will also not buy another Asus phone for some years for sure. I have upgraded mine to Cubot Quest and even if it’s not perfect either I’m more than happy with it. I couldn’t say that for Asus.
Hey, an android pie update has been just released, looks like that the Clear Soft Bumper means an pure version of the android (Just a theory). If you want to download go to the support page, I’ll try and give my opinion.
Hi Guilherme,
you are right, the official firmware states this: “Android 9 (Pie) AOSP Beta version is now available for download. Please note that this version is “pure” Android system, and will not have ZenUI.”
It means that i’ts the pure version of Android and also that it’s a beta. As I’m reading and understanding, OTA update won’t be available. Just the complete phone reflash (so far?).
Did you isntall it, what’s your opinion?