Chrome 6.0.472.62 and Acid3 test

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If I run the Acid3 test in my latest version of Google Chrome 6.0.472.62, something weird happens. The test shows 100/100 compliency, but the image doesn’t look like it is supposed to. Instead of the colorful squares I see only a set of black lines over the text that says 100/100. Take a look at the first screen shot and bellow it on the reference rendering (how it was supposed to look).

Broken Acid3 test in Chrome

Broken Acid3 test in Chrome

Acid3 reference rendering

Acid3 reference rendering

Even weirder is that it doesn’t happen every time. If I open a new Chrome window (opening new tab is not enough) the the rendering is ok. If I refresh the page (F5, CTRL-F5) or if I open it in a new tab then the result is broken.

I think this is a bug in Chrome, but not in the CSS part of it, but in the rendering, display or canvas part. I will try it on other versions of Chrome and try to reproduce it.

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